uploads/round about.jpg

round about adj. 繞大圈子的,迂回的(路等);轉彎抹角的,委婉的...

round angle

[ kjv ] they return at evening : they make a noise like a dog , and go round about the city 他們每晚都回來,好像狗一樣狂吠,環繞著城行走。

Their blood have they shed like water round about jerusalem ; and there was none to bury them 3在耶路撒冷周圍流他們的血如水,無人葬埋。

These cities were every one with their suburbs round about them : thus were all these cities 42這些城四圍都有屬城的郊野,城城都是如此。

And he marvelled because of their unbelief . and he went round about the villages , teaching 6他也詫異他們不信,就往周圍鄉村教訓人去了。

He measured the north side , five hundred reeds , with the measuring reed round about 他又量了北面,按著測量竿計算,共長二百五十公尺。

Round about , piles of lime - stone glistened in all the colours of the rainbow 周圍一堆堆的石灰石,在彩虹一樣的斑斕色彩中閃閃發光。

They return at evening : they make a noise like a dog , and go round about the city 他們每晚都回來,好像狗一樣狂吠,環繞著城行走。

We hope that round about mid - 2005 a consensus will emerge within the community 我們期望在二零零五年中左右,社會可以凝聚共識。

Let your eyes be lifted up round about , and see : they are all coming together to you 你舉目向四方觀看,他們都聚集來到你這里。

So the realm of jehoshaphat was quiet : for his god gave him rest round about 30這樣,約沙法的國得享太平,因為神賜他四境平安。

That s an awfully good one that s going the rounds about reuben j . and the son “關于呂便杰和他兒子,有個非常精彩的傳聞。 ”

And all the pins of the tabernacle , and of the court round about , were of brass 20帳幕一切的橛子和院子四圍的橛子都是銅的。

And immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about galilee 28耶穌的名聲,就傳遍了加利利的四方。

[ bbe ] and this story about him went through all judaea and the places round about 他這事的風聲就傳遍了猶太、和周圍地方。

Then he let them fall in the midst of their camp , round about their dwellings 詩78 : 28落在他們的營中、在他們住處的四面。

“ art thou like the black man that haunts the forest round about us “你打算象那個在森林里作祟的黑男人一樣糾纏著我們嗎?

And news of him went out quickly everywhere into all parts of galilee round about 28耶穌的名聲、就傳遍了加利利的四方。

And he let it fall in the midst of their camp , round about their habitations 詩78 : 28落在他們的營中、在他們住處的四面。

Words of hate are round about me ; they have made war against me without cause 他們圍繞我,說怨恨的話,又無故地攻打我。